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Our Partners
Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
Duervation collaborates with the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciennces (KL) in learning and education research. Duervation will primarily be involved in the initiation, planning, and implementation of national and international research and innovation projects on technologisation and digitalisation of health. Our common goal is to integrate the topic of innovation and innovation development more strongly in the education and training of health professionals. Both partners are convinced, that the health care sector needs a variety of innovative solutions and that the education and training of health professionals can create important conditions for this to be innovated. Within joint projects that strengthen the focus on innovation in the education and training of health professions, we want to contribute to the further development of health care.

Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten
The Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten comprises 17 departments and six institutes and treats about 46,000 patients and 432,000 outpatient contacts per year. Science, research and university teaching at the Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten are embedded in the Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences.

ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH
The ecoplus platform for health technology is hosted by ecoplus. The Business Agency of the Province of Lower Austria in the area of Enterprise & Technology and has a direct network with the producing pharmacology and medical technology companies as well as intensive contacts with health service providers, such as the Provincial Health Agency of Lower Austria and many research institutions in the field of medicine. Via the cluster networks, the platform is linked to the European clusters and their members from the field of health.

SOLVE Consulting Managementberatung GmbH
Solve Consulting is a specialized consulting firm in the healthcare and social sector. With a diverse team of healthcare professionals, business experts, and specialists in various fields, they provide tailored solutions for client projects across Europe. Their services encompass strategy development, enhancing cost-efficiency, construction and organizational management, and various aspects within the healthcare and social sector. Their clientele includes facility operators and governmental institutions in this domain.