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Gender & Diversity
Gender, diversity, family friendliness & promotion of young ambitious persons
Duervation takes care to treat its employees, customers, cooperation partners and study participants in a gender- and diversity-sensitive manner. Duervation believes that diversity is a prerequisite for sustainable, breakthrough and excellent innovation. At Duervation, all individuals are welcome, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, origin, ethnicity or religion, health condition or disability.
In projects, care is taken to ensure that there is diversity in the project team, and in new hires, depending on the industry, preference is given to people with the same qualifications, atypical for the industry. In addition, care is taken in all projects to ensure that diversity is recognized, considered, and promoted. Duervation sees it as its duty to treat people regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, origin, ethnicity or religion, their state of health or the presence of a disability and to support them in developing and utilizing their potential in the best possible way. Duervation actively promotes gender equality through its strategy.
In addition, at Duervation working conditions are as family friendly as possible. Parents can work from home or in the office, depending on the assignment and activity, can change the location of the activity at short notice if necessary, and can bring their family members to the office for hours at a time by arrangement. Working hours are flexible and can be arranged individually. We warmly welcome persons with care responsibilities as employees. Individualized models for shared leadership or management of projects are welcomed and supported.
Duervation is committed to promoting young people at the beginning of their careers and actively supports them with selected training courses, involvement in networking activities and appreciative off-boarding. Duervation sees itself as a promoter of young people and would like to accompany them on their way. Duervation is looking forward to future cooperation with former employees and, if applicable, to their return at a later point in their career.
Women’s advancement
Duervation has an equalitA seal. The equalitA seal of quality is awarded to companies which promote women within the company, who ensure gender equality within the company, who promote women’s careers and make them visible and thus support the professional equality of both sexes both within their own company and beyond.
At Duervation, women are promoted by encouraging them to proactively shape their careers, make their achievements visible and engage in networks.

At Duervation, women are encouraged to proactively shape and promote their careers.
In doing so, they are encouraged to think outside typical career patterns, to design innovative and alternative career models, to develop new business models and to explore previously untrodden paths. At Duervation, personal and family circumstances are considered, and women are motivated to design innovative and individual models for managing family responsibilities. At Duervation, women are motivated to take on leadership and management tasks and, if necessary, to apply for management positions.
At Duervation, women are supported to know their skills and strengths and to develop their full potential.
At Duervation, women are encouraged to make their achievements visible by publishing, participating in relevant events and communicating their successes to the public. At Duervation, women are encouraged to participate in women-specific training and development opportunities and to participate in leadership and management training. In addition, Duervation holds annual workshops for the advancement of women, the focus of which is determined by the female employees.
Women’s networks have a special meaning at Duervation.
Therefore, Duervation encourages women to join appropriate women’s networks and to get actively involved. In addition, Duervation is involved in several initiatives for the advancement of women, such as WOMENinICT of the Association of Austrian Software Innovations (VÖSI), Solar Plexus, or the International Women’s Forum Austria (IWF). As part of her various voluntary activities, Mona Dür is a mentor for women in IT, healthcare, action science and migrant women and encourages her colleagues to share their knowledge and experience with other women and support them in achieving their goals.
Gender Equality Plan Duervation
Duervation …
Promotes written applications without the provision of self-portraits and information on sex.
Refers to encouragement of gender equality and diversity at job advertisements.
Prefers applicants of equal qualification with a branch-unusual gender when filling open positions in research projects.
Encourages persons with caring duties and responsibilities to apply for open positions and to get back to work after parental leave.
Defines and supports individual activities to advance staff’s career that take into account potential gender inequalities.
Promotes gender balance in project leadership and decision-making.
Uses gender specific (if applicable) and sensitive notation in German texts by using the e-reader friendly double point.
Does everything possible to prevent sex discriminatory language as well as gender discriminatory behaviour.
Trains employees how to prevent and how to deal with sex discriminatory language as well as gender discriminatory behaviour.
Encourages its employees to address sex discrimination directly and to report it to the CEO.
Prevents and sets measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.
Promotes the reconciliation of work and private life for its employees including flexible working hours and remote work.
Promotes measures against the gender pay gap.
Duervation measures …
Proportion of female, male and diverse sex within personal interview of applicants.
Proportion of staff female, male and diverse sex.
Proportion of branch-unusual gender of total staff in research projects.
Proportion of project leaders with female, male and diverse sex.
Proportion of grant applicants with female, male and diverse sex.
Numbers of publications in German language using e-reader friendly double point.
Number of implemented anti sex discrimination trainings.
Number of reported sex discriminations actions.
Proportion of office and remote work.
This gender equality plan is based on European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe guidance on gender equality plans, 2021